Cut The Crap Pet Services provides thorough and professional dog clean-up services in Scottsdale,
Safford, Buckeye,
Goodyear, AZ, and the surrounding areas. No matter where and how often your dog makes a mess in your yard, we will clean it up entirely and efficiently. We come at the frequency you choose to help keep your yard dog poop free as much as you want. Our mission is to eliminate the inconvenience of dealing with dog poop in your life. Trust us to handle the task effectively and promptly, allowing you to enjoy a cleaner and more pleasant environment without any hassle. This will free up time that you can spend doing something much more fun than scooping dog poop!
We provide reliable and efficient dog poop removal services. We also offer affordable and complete pet waste removal services for your dogs and cats. While they have to excrete their waste, you and your pets do not have to deal with the aftermath of it, as we will take care of it for you without any hassle. We take the waste with us when we go, so you have less stinky trash cans!
Cut The Crap Pet Services provides quality and thorough dog waste sanitation and deodorizing services. We clean the area where your dog did his or her business and deodorize the area with our environmentally friendly deodorizer to ensure you and your pets will enjoy nothing but freshness in that area. We can also sanitize your full yard to keep your yard free of germs, bacteria, and other things that cause foul odors, leaving a safe place for your family to enjoy time together. Ensure your lawn won't smell after we dispose of all your dog's excretions. As part of our weekly services, we make sure to spray your property with our environmentally friendly deodorizer that'll leave a fresh scent for you and your pets to enjoy.
Cut The Crap Pet Services provides complete and effective dog yard clean-up so you do not have to worry about walking onto crap in your own yard, having to clean it up, or having to worry about your neighbors complaining about the smell or the flies hovering over it. Maintaining your yard is hard enough as it is, the last thing you want is to find your dog's waste scattered around, making a mess. Rely on us to completely remove your dog's mess from your yard.
Contact us and let us know how many dogs you have and the frequency you want us to clean up after them. We will make sure your pets' crap is never a hassle for you ever again! Waste removal services don't have to break the bank when you hire Cut The Crap Pet Services to do the job for you. We offer all-inclusive pricing for all our services without the fear of potential up-charging. Work with us and never get overcharged for the services your lawn desperately needs.
2-3 x Weekly Service
1st 2 Dogs
Each Additional 2 Dogs
One Time Clean Up
Weekly Service
1st 2 Dogs
Each Additional 2 Dogs
Every Other Week
1st 2 Dogs
Each Additional 2 Dogs
1st 2 Dogs
Each Additional 2 Dogs
Wysiwash Treatment
$25- Add on
Do you need help cleaning up after your pets, but just don’t have the time? Then call Cut The Crap Pet Services at (623) 975-5386 to do it for you. Our weekly services will keep your property looking and smelling better than ever.
By appointment only | Work every holiday
“We’re in certain parts of towns on certain days”
Neighborhood Favorite on (two years in a row 2021-2022)
Southwest Veterans Chamber of Commerce (former president, no longer on the board of directors)
Sponsor City of Surprise Youth Sports (2022)